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Kathryn Keene, trustee 

Kathy Keene hails from the south shore of Boston, and moved to the Valley in 1981. An outdoor enthusiast, she soon realized that this was a place she would never leave.

During her 31-year career in the airline industry, Kathy served as a flight attendant and training instructor. With the advent of motherhood, she rethought her career choice and, in time, procured a couple of advanced degrees in curriculum development and leadership which made teaching early childhood courses at Kennett High School a viable option.

Her six years teaching at Kennett, and evening college courses in Conway and Berlin, paved the way for an invitation to work for White Mountains Community College and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation as a program coordinator for their early childhood initiative. Proud of her seven years in the North Country, Kathy has worked part time at local libraries, volunteered for New England Disabled Sports, and currently volunteers on the slopes as an ambassador for Mt Cranmore, as well as the Majestic Café.

A fierce advocate for children and challenged individuals, Kathy has always appreciated and fought for the arts, and music in particular, to be available to everyone. Her children were Mountain Top students thirty years ago, and she has recently become a piano student herself.